Individual & Couples Counselling
Affordable Psychotherapy – More than 15 years Experience

Individual Therapy
Individual psychotherapy is a process between a therapist and a client informed by sound psychological theory and method whereby the lived experience of the client remains central.

Couples Counselling
The primary goal of couples therapy is to increase your understanding of self and your partner which in turn will enhance your relationship.

Family Therapy
The objective of Family therapy is to provide a safe place both literally and emotionally for all members of the family. We all need to talk, to be heard, and to be listened to.
Therapy Helsinki – My Expertise
Phase of life issues
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Major life changes can have a deep impact on your emotional wellbeing, including triggering or exacerbating mental health issues. Exploring these phase of life issues is essential to understanding their relationship to one’s wellbeing and contextualizing your experiences.
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Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come. The first day of school, going to a job interview, or giving a speech may cause most people to feel fearful and nervous. But if your feelings of anxiety are extreme, last for longer than six months, and are interfering with your life, you may have an anxiety disorder.
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Compulsions or compulsive acts can be defined as repetitious, purposeful physical or mental actions that the individual feels compelled to engage in according to their own strict rules or in a stereotyped manner.
Grief and Loss
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Grief is a natural response to loss. It might be the loss of a loved one, relationship, pregnancy, pet, job or way of life. Other experiences of loss may be due to children leaving home, infertility and separation from friends and family. The more significant the loss, the more intense the grief is likely to be.
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Your sexuality can play an important role in your identity and sense of self. Sexuality often refers to a person’s sexual orientation or preference. Your sexual orientation is who you are emotionally, mentally, and physically attracted to. This may be same-sex (homosexual), male-female (heterosexual) or bisexual orientation (most genders). You may consider yourself gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, pansexual (attracted to people regardless of their gender identity), or you may not be sure of your sexuality.
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Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm.The term addiction does not only refer to dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine. A person who cannot stop taking a particular drug or chemical has a substance dependence.
Acculturation Issues
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Immigrating and living in a culture distinctly different from your country of origin can present challenges to all aspects of life including mental health. Navigating and finding a map forward can be complex particularly if one’s wellness is compromised. Loss becomes more pronounced and can trigger earlier experiences of loss.
Recurring Relationship Issues
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Repetitive negative relationship patterns stem from problems originating in childhood, such as disrespectful communication, lack of nurturing or free emotional expression, a controlling parent, violation of boundaries, neglect, witnessing parental conflict, mental illness, addiction, or abuse. A variety of dysfunctional parenting styles cause shame and undermine a child’s self-esteem, which continues into adulthood.
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Depression is classified as a mood disorder. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday activities. It’s also very prevalent. People experience depression in different ways. It may interfere with your daily work, resulting in lost time and lower productivity. It can also influence relationships and some chronic health conditions.
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Embodies a multitude of shapes, forms and sizes and ruptures wellness and wholeness. It can imprison persons in extreme suffering and victimhood. While it is impossible to eradicate its memory and negative history it is possible to establish distance from it and regain control of it as opposed to it controlling you.
Spiritual/Existential Issues
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We are compelled to make meaning and when we fail to do so we experience crisis and become out of sync with our deepest selves. When the truth of what we believe is at odds with our experience of reality we rapidly lose contact with wellness and our functioning is compromised. Often we need to locate through a therapeutic process the core of what it is we believe in and in turn become deliberate with our narrative.

Therapy Helsinki: Andy Hoolan
I received membership and accreditation with the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) and the Irish Association of Alcohol and Addiction Counselling (IAAAC) in 2008. I worked extensively in psychotherapy and couples counselling in both the USA and Ireland and more recently as a consultant counsellor/therapist in Finland. With more than 15 years of clinical experience I provide optimum quality psychotherapy for individuals and couples in a safe confidential manner at affordable prices .
My Approach & Values
Couples counselling and individual therapy are distinctive forms of talk therapy whereby the full resources, theoretical knowledge and clinical methods of psychology and psychotherapy are brought together with the lived experience of the presenting client. Therefore a holistic approach to therapeutic counselling which honors and integrates the core values of each person’s life and lived experience will clearly inform the therapeutic relationship

Contact Me:
Andy Hoolan
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